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2009-04-22 17:35:40
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Something Interesting

Welcome! Here are the rules: Everyone writes one fact (something interesting or something stupid) and signs their name at the end of it. Add your fact at the end of the list for interesting or stupid depending on, well, if it's interesting or stupid. Note that you may only pick one fact. Enjoy this wiki and spread the news so we can reach everyone on Elftown and build up thousands of facts, both interesting and stupid.


Something Interesting

America has spent over 8 trillion dollars in the gulf and still spending.

The cleanest part of your body is the eye.
[Things Changed]

Although having 6 fingers on one hand is rare, the gene that causes it is actually the dominant one while the 5 finger gene is recessive.

Nobody knows where Mozart is buried.

In Japan, you have to sign a waiver before you eat fugu sushi. It is so toxic that many people have died from eating it poorly prepared.

Pablo Picasso's full name is Pablito Diego Jose Santiago Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Crispin Crispiniano de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz Blasco y Picasso Lopez. How's that for a mouthful for the substitute teachers in high school?

A capon is a castrated rooster.
[Obsidian Tears]

Casu marzu (A.K.A maggot cheese) is used in many religous retuals and also is thought to have a sense a healing quality about it.
[princess_ of _darkness]

The longest word in the English language is "pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis"(try to pronounce it...), an inflammatory lung disease caused by the inhalation of fine silica or quartz dust.

Dolphins in the river Indus sleep for only seconds at a time - whereas we sleep for 6-8 hours at a time.
[Duke Devlin]

You don't smell ammonia. Instead, it works directly on your pain sinews. Thus the foul nature of the chemical.
[Blood Raven]

Most lipsticks contain fish scales.

The penalty for masturbation in Indonesia is decapitation.

Rats are genetically susceptible to all forms of cancer from the day they're born, and have been for thousands of years. In fact, more rats die from cancer than any other reason.
[The Black Cat in Your Path]

Elvis Presley loved guns and had a very fiery temper. This bad combonation forced him to put a blank round in the gun so that if he blew his top, he wouldn't blow the top off his offender...literally.
[Captain Rachel Black]

The ancient Romans used to brush their teeth with a mixture made out of honey, salt and pieces of crushed glass.

Greek, Medieval, and Renaissance medicine were based on The Four Humours but were priced for the different social stratas according to whether lead silver or gold was added to the same recipe for a disease.
[moira hawthorne]

Femininity: Marsupial females have two vaginas, when hyena females have an extended clitoris called pseudo-penis.

The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. It was a fad back then to shave them off.

You can make an octopus trap by dressing a hollow coconut in palm leaves and putting something inside it to rattle. When the octopus hears the rattle it will inspect by holding on with its tentacles; then you quickly haul it up before it lets go.
[Evolution X]

Hedda is a Swedish girl's name that means "fight".

traditionally speaking, its considered bad luck to have a singular sparrow tattoo. sparrows should always go in pairs.

Three out of five people cannot detect the sound of electronics while they are on.
[shadow frost wolf]

Beethoven and his family lived in mechelen (my hometown) for a while.Some say he was even born here. Yay!

Some wasps lay their eggs in the paralyzed bodies of caterpillars.

In order for a male praying mantis to ejaculate, he has to have his head bitten off durring sex. This is why the female eats the male after sex.
[The real life Bella Swan]

The closest galaxy to our Milky Way is Andromeda and even traveling at the speed of light , it would take 2 MILLION years to reach it.
[Case Open]

The crazy ressurection of "put down predjudice unless it is on our side" a past statement by Ashley Brilliant. It is now in full blown use by the Polittically Correct and Candidate Obamma.

Every year, on the day of Edgar Allan Poe's death, a mystirious black hooded figure leaves a red rose on his grave.
[Phantom Puppet_Magician]

Both leopards and jaguars are capable of spawning "Black Panthers" into existence, however the jaguar is the one in which it would happen more commonly. The genetic trait to create the "black" on the panther is Dominant in jaguars, as it is recessive in the leopards. Only when both parents in the leopard pairing carry the recessive gene will there be a "black panther" whereas with the jaguar it is possible for two jaguars to have both spotted and "black" cubs.
[shadow of darkness]

The clinical term for the fear of long words is "Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia"

The formal word for hello in Russian can be translated into Chinese to mean, "to beat an old woman with a stick."
[I have left]

Polysistic Ovarian Disease aka Syndrome-X is the female condition that impairs the adrenal gland’s ability to produce estrogen therefore it produces more testosterone to compensate. This heightened level of testosterone causes irregular or lack of menstruation, abnormal hair growth and loss, violent mood swings, an inability to conceive children and make it difficult to loose weight. It was recently discovered that it is caused by drinking from plastic bottles.

Due to a high concentration of vanadium, the blood of sea cucumbers is yellow.

Ants never sleep.
[Nocternity S.]

The ice at fast food joints (such as Wendy's McDonald's and Burker King) has twice the bacteria than your average toilet. I tested this in my lab biology class twice for a project while I was in high school.

Last year the government spent 9 billion dollars on the war against drugs rather than putting the money towards our troops
[Fear the Reaper]

Something Stupid

Turtles can breath through their butts, and use this to there advantage when hiding from predators.

It is impossible to lick your own elbow.
[M.C. criss cross]

The only thing you should safely stick in your ear is your own elbow.
[moira hawthorne]

It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
[SockRockin Spunges.]

You can swallow one pint of blood before vomiting.

It is abnormal to be able to drink a gallon of milk in under 10 min without vomiting.

The ability to smell cyanide is considered a genetic abnormality, and cannot be construed as a positive way to 'break the ice'.

My cat eat up to 50 animals a year but he cant get a mouse!.!.!.!.!.!

Jellygator is love...
[Aidan Aven]

75% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
[The Blood Angel]

The elephant is the only animal with 4 knees.
[Scary Kids Scaring Kayla;]

Richard Nixon liked ketchup on his cottage cheese.

It is discovered that coffee is allmost nothing but good for you!
[Todd van elslande]

Women are the only thing on this planet that bleeds for seven days and doesn't die.
[Hikaru Hitachiin]

Life is sexually transmitted.

sex is not the only thing on a male's mind.
[The "Problem" Child]

The average American annually consumes 23.1 gallons of beer.

Big Bird is a

Never hold your nose and cover your mouth when sneezing, as it can blow out your eyeballs!!!

Adolf Hitler had only one testicle.
the same can be said about alfred hitchcock(director of the birds)[hopscotchnerd]

Queen Elizabeth I regarded herself as a paragon of cleanliness. She declared that she bathed once every three months, whether she needed it or not.

Rats can't puke.

The pope isn't a muslim

Birds cannot burp, and if given an antacid, which causes gas build-up, they explode(I only know this because my brothers did it).

edward cullen is hot [DriDri] lol

Snails have four noses


Other interesting wikis:
- Elftown Academy
- Elftown Archives
- The Town Herald
- Bob's Diner

Username (or number or email):


2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: .

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: ..

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: ...

2008-08-08 [manwe]: well then, [Linderel] show me where that rule "The most important rule of Elftown, after all, is 'Don't be an asshole'." is, and further, show me where >>i<< have been and "a$$hole" in requesting honesty, accuracy and some semblance of consistent and reasonable grammar, spelling and syntax in communications, and further, show me where admins are allowed to delete innocuous entries for no other reason that they felt like it at the time.... PLEASE  show some integrity of authority so that all KNOW that the rules are applied correctly....

further, unless stupidity and ignorance is overly and consistently blatant, i will desist in attacking severely poor grammar, spelling and syntax here....

will that be sufficient?


2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: ....

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: ...

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: .....

2008-08-08 [Linderel]: Change of topic, then? ^_^

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: .......

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: ...........

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: ..

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: ......

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: ...........

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: .

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: ..........

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: ....

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: .

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: ....

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: .

2008-08-08 [Chimes]: Evolution... stop doing that. Lol. It's not good. XD My eyes are going 'dotty'.

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: ... im leaving the page i cant be assed, ill leave the pigion thing up there but im takignmy name off.

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: Now.... shhhhhhh. You're all being very rude to each other and lets face it, its getting annoying

2008-08-08 [Linderel]: If you wish to no longer receive updates about the page, click on the 'Stop watching this wiki-page' on the right-hand side there.

2008-08-08 [Chimes]: We've been through this... and gotten past it. :] Now everybody breathe...

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: if youve got yoru name up on the actual wiki you will automaticaly be watching it.

2008-08-08 [Linderel]: Breathing is good. *nod nod*

2008-08-08 [manwe]: i was under the impression that the title of this wiki was "Something Interesting".....

let me guess.....
"Something Interesting" refers to some very few, and limited topics.... and NO one with a dissenting opinion, view or knowledge is allowed to present.....

does that summarize it?

2008-08-08 [Linderel]: Really, now? I didn't know that... must be one of the newer things.

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: Can anyone just... BLOCK this guy from this wiki? He is just really annoying.

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: i think so.. but im still gettign the little notises about it.... hmnnn lol btw im just egnoring him now.. (ish on bout manwe) oh and breathing is good.

2008-08-08 [manwe]: [Linderel] would be delighted to drop it if you would point out how and where and to whom i was rude... please.... educate me so that i will not, in the future, be rude to others in the same way.....

thank you for your educative insights!!!


2008-08-08 [Linderel]: As far as I know, there's no way to actually block someone from a wiki, except with the various way of protecting it, like passwording or connecting with a forum... But as this was clearly meant to be a public page, that won't really do.
As for the second part, don't goad him.

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: ive just put my name back up seen as it made no difference what so ever. Id liek to personally add "Bad spellers of the world, UNTIE!" (yes its on perpose)

2008-08-08 [Chimes]: I'm an idiot... it took me a moment to get that joke... >.<;

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: hehe lol dont worry it takes every one a minuet. hehe. lol it rocks!

2008-08-08 [manwe]: open letter to [Linderel]:

it is my opinion that you are being foolish....
with regard to the wiki, and other areas, you are in a position to be a leader and to represent that which is the correct manner in which to represent the best of this place... unfortunately, you are not doing that.... you are expressing, exacerbating, perpetuating and encouraging the worst, in allowing a small group to drive an agenda to suppress a minor, dissenting opinion....

this is ONE MAJOR reason that i am distressed to find that younger people, who have little to no experience nor real "real world" skills, to be in a position of authority. i realize that you think you know what you are doing and that you are right, however, you need to study some history.... a 19th century philosopher, George Santayana, in his work: The Life of Reason, Volume 1, 1905, said "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

i submit to you that you are not seeing the bigger picture regarding dissent and censorship, and, further, are condoning BOTH censorship and the suppression of dissenting opinion....

further, the points i made about grammar, spelling and syntax, and the commonality of a single, formal language to express concepts from 20+ different languages and cultures, in a manner that all can understand, clearly and count on in continuity and consistency, was "dead on" and, as someone supposedly interested in the betterment of the site, you SHOULD be (at least) SOMEWHAT supportive...

in point of fact.... if you were doing your job the way you SHOULD be, consistent with the written rules of this place, you would be SUPPORTING me, my dissent (not my opinions or reasoning, but my right to have them) and my rights to post them, rather than to excoriate me, publicly, to "score points" with the "twits" of the site....

you are 21....
it is a very real limitations....
i was once 21... and i knew EVERYthing.... just as you do....

too bad i had to grow up and learn the truth.....


2008-08-08 [Maelthra]: This place was meant for fun, Manwe, so why don't you calm down a bit? If you don't like the way things are run here, you do have the right and the freedom to move on and find something "better" to do with your time.

2008-08-08 [manwe]: [Maelthra] what ever makes you think i am not calm, or that i am not having fun????? interesting that you would suggest that i leave.... why should i? the name of this PUBLIC wiki is "something interesting". are you suggesting that what i have posted is NOT interesting? or is it that it is NOT interesting to YOU, or others who do not care about the fact that posts can be censored and erased by unknown admins with not reason given.... or that idiots can perpetuate horrendous grammar, spelling and other heinous destructive tools of language to present absurd, uninformed and often ludicrous postings.... hmmmmm

perhaps you have a point... let me make YOU a counter offer.... if you do not like the conversation or if you find that it is not "something interesting".... why do YOU not leave, rather than to say that i should leave....

as what you define as "better to do with my time"... that would presuppose that you knew ANYthing about be... and you do not.... 

still.... i thank you for your suggestion... but unless i am prohibited (read CENSORED) from participating in this wiki, by someone in authority, then i have EVERY right, and will continue to exercise them, to disagree, agree, point out problems and inconsistencies and abuses, and otherwise express my opinions.... and i will continually "tilt at the windmills" of ignorance, stupidity, and blind obedience without reason, to idiocy.....


2008-08-08 [Maelthra]: Wow. That is exactly what I was talking about. You have proven my point. Have a nice day Manwe. Aparently your idea of fun is being an asshole, congratulations, you have succeeded. Also, glad you are so full of your self that you feel you need to school us all, please continue.

2008-08-08 [manwe]: [Maelthra] (20 years old, from Beaumont, Texas, with NOTHING on her page but a few pictures....) the phrase you seek is  "quod erat demonstrandum".... still... your post did not qualify in that regard as i failed to see the point which was to be demonstrated.... still.... perhaps you can enlighten me (or anyone else, for that matter).... please.... (*_*)

ps: i like bob dylan... i have a few birds of my own... and we have a new pair of babie doves nesting on my outside lockers... hehheh i have great picts of the babies who are 2.5 days old and just opened their eyes today.....


2008-08-08 [Maelthra]: The page remains as blank, seeing how I just came back to this place a few weeks ago. Left originally because of people like you that see fit to ruin everyone elses fun. Thanks for informing everyone on this site of my information, you saved everyone the few mouse clicks it would have taken to find out the information for themselves. What are you trying to prove? Your fight seems a little senseless. If you are trying to upset me, goodluck. Not going to happen any time soon. Did it ever occur to you that this is enjoyable to me? What else is there better to do while having to sit at a house and watch a family member who is on their deathbed than to watch someone like you get all riled up? It makes the down time, while the family member is sleeping, worth it.

2008-08-08 [Maelthra]: Bob is a rescue case, just like all of the other critters I have. I run a rescue mission, purely funded by myself.

2008-08-08 [manwe]: wow... non-sequitur
what in the hell does all that mean?
(i didn't say anything here that was private, did i???)

2008-08-08 [Maelthra]: You said nothing private that I know of, my life is not private and I have nothing to hide. And what part did you not understand? I will be glad to fill you in...

2008-08-08 [manwe]: [Maelthra] MOST impressive!! i wish someone would let ME rescue a bird like bob.. hehheh... it would be "something interesting" to know more about your "rescue mission" that you fund, yourself.... perhaps that might be a good way to change the topic of conversation here....

2008-08-08 [Maelthra]: Well, rescueing Bob came with a price. Somehow, no matter where I move to, people know that I take in all kinds of critters that need homes and they drop them off on my doorstep or somewhere near by where I can find them. Maybe they know that I can't turn away a face that needs a home. Not sure. The self funding is a little hard considering I spend more than 16 hours a day taking care of my grandmother, who is the one on her deathbed. Having a job, taking care of grandma, and taking care of all the critters is very time consuming. I usually only get to be online when grandma is sleeping. Though I would not have it any other way. Unless grandma was better.

2008-08-08 [Blood Raven]: [manwe], you say you are contributing something interesting to the wiki, but if you would've read the rules on the top of the page, you will notice that it states: "Everyone writes one fact (something interesting or something stupid) and signs their name at the end of it. Add your fact at the end of the list for interesting or stupid depending on, well, if it's interesting or stupid. Note that you may only pick one fact."

I see you have not done this. Worse yet, you are not even commenting on any of the above stated facts. And that is what the commenting box is for, making comments about their respective wiki page. You, however, seem to be commenting a lot and in mostly unconstructive ways. As soon as somebody says something about it, you make up an excuse as to why you have every right to be here, turning this comment box into some kind of debate.

In your house, you state that you are "interested in talking with and to people with something interesting to say, and who can express it in a form that i can understand, and that do NOT mistake my being nice to them as anything more than that. intelligence, humour and basic common sense, along with an equal exchange, is a minimum norm, for me. further, it would be a big "plus" if you have read (and understood) the rules and understood the basic premis of ElfTown."

Now first of all, this is not a page for debating. There are plenty of other wikis build to such an end, and this wiki and it's members are not one of them, seeing how the tone of this debate is anything but friendly. Oh yes, it's polite (and even that is diminishing in your last post), but it's not friendly. The people of this wiki simply aren't interested in some debate of wether or not you have the right to place the comments you placed.
Secondly, you state that it would be a big plus if people understood the rules of Elftown. May I remind you that the No. 1 rule of Elftown is "Don't be an asshole"? Please, take some time to think over that rule, and how you may work towards the goal that people will not come to regard you as an asshole.

That was all, thank you.

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: so any of you guys eat anything intrestign today? lol you know what... cheese and peanut butter sandwiches are rather nice.

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: I had a peanut butter and carrot jam sandwich... I bought the carrot jam in Malta. They have wierd jams over there.

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: now thats an intrestign fact. i had some wierd jam while i was there. it wwas realy nice, theyve got good ice cream too.

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: Oh yeah, loads of ice cream.... mmmmm *smiles happily and wags my tail* They had prickly pear jam as well... made from cactus fruits

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol yeah? i had passionfruit ice cream while i was there, what part of Malta did you stay in?

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: I went to Gozo, which is a tiny little island off the the side. About twenty miles by two miles...

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol i know i whent swimming, well snorkling in gozo.. it rocked. i swam with dolphins too.

2008-08-08 [manwe]: [Blood Raven]: obviously you have not understood a single point.... in point of fact, i posted 4 times, 3 of which were according to the guidelines, and they were deleted with NO explanation nor a clue as to who deleted them. the 4th post was to protest this act and to question it... and it, too was deleted. AFTER all that, i began my current series of posts.

perhaps you should get your facts clear, before you run off at the keyboard....

as to interest, at least i have kept SOME attention focused on something of interest, at least 4 times, including 2 facts, this argument, and the subject of [Maelthra]'s situation... please... enlighten me/us.... other than your current post b(yes, i saw your name attached to the ammonia post), exactly HOW have YOU contributed anything interesting, here? (the stupid contribution is quite clear...)



[Mrs Vicious.]: please explain the "word" intrestign for us?..

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: oh for the love of (insert deity here) cant you drop this?

2008-08-08 [manwe]: hehheh i dropped it last night (my time) and when i looked in, again, this morning, i saw [Blood Raven]'s post, addressing me.... are you suggesting that i not reply?  oh my... i see....

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: thats why I brought up ice cream. oi Manwe.. whats yoru favoret flavour ice cream? oh sorries bout that hehe my fingers work a bit fast and I get the letters mixed up when I type too fast. its supposed to be intresting. FYI I know it isnt an excuse but I am dislexic (has no idea on the spelling cos im crap at it anyways) and get letters mixed up quiet often.

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: I like wierd flavour ice creams... I once had "egg" flavour in Italy.

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: eww. ive had a vodca and blue rasberry one onece, it was called "smerf" hehe i wa sbright blue and it died your lips and tongue for three days.

2008-08-08 [manwe]: i would have to say my favourite flavous of ice cream is either jamoca fresh coffee or swiss almond vanilla (both by hagen daas (spelling?)) there is also a "french vanilla" that would be 3rd, after those two.... the thing about the french vanilla is that it has "egg" in it.... so it's not strange to me that italy would also have something similar...

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: verry nice coice, though im not too keen on vanilla, i prefer fruity ice cream but still its a classic. not to keen on coffee eather but your intitled to your own faves.

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol Chimes whats your fave ice cream flavour?

2008-08-08 [Chimes]: Cookie Dough <3 Or Chocolate Fudge Brownie.

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: What's you favourite flavour cookie?... (that's lovett)

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol erm i think it have to be rasberry ripple. lol though im quite particular to Phish food.

2008-08-08 [Chimes]: Random interjection here: Comedians, are they overrated?
I'm watching a live comedy dvd and am curious as to what others think.

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: Na, I enjoy comedians *chuckles softly* I always watch any comedy shows I can.

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: no i think theyre helerious.

2008-08-08 [Chimes]: I enjoy a fair few... but some of them seem to be baaad.

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: yeah. though i do have a twised sence of humor.

2008-08-08 [manwe]: as with ANY profession, some are good, some are hacks and some stand out....

2008-08-08 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: man the russians are cool XD

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol is any one watching the opening serimony for the olympics? its taking ages!

2008-08-08 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: i'm not i find the olympics boring as hell bring back the male only and nudity back

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol indeed i agree. hehe though i dont thing Tom would like me saying that.. *giggles*

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: ............................ *blinks and stares at you both* Ummmm... Yeah I saw some of that. I liked the massive synchronised movements when the guy was on the piano.

2008-08-08 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: thats one thing thats cool about china the huge synchonised dances

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol yeah hehe the tai chi.

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: I had to leave just before that part... I was watching the TV in the dentist...

2008-08-08 [Jeremiah]:

I curse the olympics

Them poor chineese are tied to a sowing machine and fed out of dogbowls.Even children tied and hit to work benches.
And yet china spends millions on stadiums and yet it's people starve. Ah! yes the great olympics

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol indeed.

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: Not like we aren't doing the same... people paid absolutely nothing for hard work while they share the same house with fifty other people and barely survive on food. And we're building stadiums everywhere...

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: yeah can you imagen what the olympics in londons gonna look like? no where neer as flash.

2008-08-08 [x-tacy]: what the hec happened here after i left....?

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol it calmed down. leave it. lol whats yoru fave flavour ice cream?

2008-08-08 [x-tacy]: my fav is sherburt you know the kind that is fruity and delicious....

2008-08-08 [x-tacy]: although i do like cookie dough to i wld say them two flavors wld be a tie to me....

2008-08-08 [Artsy]: Chunky Monkey. Wait, what are we talking about?

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: ice cream.

2008-08-08 [x-tacy]: i scream you scream we all scream for ice cream.....yeahhhhhhh....

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol yeah man!

2008-08-08 [x-tacy]: allright guys i gota get back to work i'll see you guys later.....HAVE FUN and have an awesome day....

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: okies.

2008-08-08 [Evolution X]: what... is chunky monkey anyway?

2008-08-08 [Artsy]: it's a type of Ben and Jerry's ice cream: banana ice cream with little fudge chunks and walnuts

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: ;lol its like chocolate ice cream with cookie dough bits in it isnt it? im not too sure.

2008-08-08 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: i love fosile fule from B&J

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: hehe i havnt had that one.

2008-08-08 [Sabbe Fhtagn]: its just vanila with chocolate bits shaped in the for of dinosaurs

2008-08-08 [Mrs Vicious.]: ah kk. lol sounds cool

2008-08-09 [manwe]: what IS it with you all!!!????  why can't you spell or use reasonable grammar!!!!!!!!!!!! damn it to hell!!!!!

2008-08-09 [Evolution X]: .................. DROP IT!

2008-08-09 [hopscotchnerd]: wat u meen, i spel fien. my gramer is graet

2008-08-09 [Artsy]: Ummm... [manwe]... In the English language, the first letter of a sentence is supposed to be capitalized, questions end in question marks, and 'you all' is actually just supposed to be 'you'.

2008-08-09 [Atayemi]: Living makes an awesome point. :) One question mark and one exclamation mark is enough, [manwe]. So you can't complain yourself really since you aren't using proper grammar either. If it's how they type and speak, let them be. It's not your problem, it's theirs. This is a comments box, they are bound to chat, text speak or not. So don't start an argument over something so small and unecessary which has nothing to do with you, please.

2008-08-09 [Artsy]: (Atay. I think there is another 'n' in 'unnecessary'.)

2008-08-09 [Atayemi]: Just goes to show that I make mistakes too. ;)

2008-08-09 [hopscotchnerd]: I'm going to side with [manwe] on this one, it does get annoying when you are all too lazy to spell things right

2008-08-09 [Artsy]: (There should be a period on the end of your sentence, [hopscotchnerd]. Also, your comma should be a period, 'it' should be capitalized, and you really don't need 'all' in that sentence.)

2008-08-09 [All_Most PUNK]: But nobody is forced to watch this wiki. If somebody finds it annoying, they can simply not read the comments, stop watching the wiki or just ignore it. It's a private wiki, after all.

2008-08-09 [Artsy]: ('But' is not necessary in the first sentence. It makes it a sentence fragment.)

2008-08-09 [Teufelsweib]: beh... my english isn't perfect either, but that's because it's not my mother tongue. as long as the point is clear and it's also clear that you're doing your best on writing proper english, it should be fine.
and I'm sure that that sentence is filled with grammar errors as well, don't bother nitpicking them out -_-

2008-08-09 [((lost))]: Surely correct grammar, punctuation and spelling doesn't really matter in comment boxes... Perhaps some people have nothing better to do than correct other peoples harmless chatter, rather than actually contributing something worthwhile elsewhere on Elftown...

2008-08-09 [hopscotchnerd]: First off, I'm talking about every one. Secondly its spelled comma not common. and finally, it doesn't need to be a period, its fine as a comma, because its the same clause.

2008-08-09 [hopscotchnerd]: and not watching the wiki wont help, its the same thing on every wiki and it just proves how our generation is doomed to a horrible end because we'll be too lazy to do something right, well all be too lazy to eat in no time at all

2008-08-09 [Chimes]: You're not doing it correctly, yourself. Don't lecture others unless you're practicing what you preach.
Also, I thought we'd gotten past the pointless arguments?

2008-08-09 [dunkler engel]: ^^

2008-08-09 [hopscotchnerd]: im not saying that grammar is that important, im saying that instead of saying 'u' take half a second to spell out the word

2008-08-09 [Chimes]: My other point still stands. I thought we'd gotten past the arguments. =_=;

2008-08-09 [Duke Devlin]: "00:08:44 [manwe]: what IS it with you all!!!???? why can't you spell or use reasonable grammar!!!!!!!!!!!! damn it to hell!!!!!"

As countless people have said before me, including [Linderel] (who should be shown respect), and [Chimes], please practise what you preach. You say that grammar and spelling is important, and yet you have yet to use a capital letter. Would that not fall into the problem you presented for people for whom 'English' is not the native language? Is it not true that many countries in the world use capital letters not only to emphasise, name places and people, but to distinguish between word uses? That may sound excessive - and I apologise for 'joining in' at this late stage (and of course undoubtedly dredging up a useless argument), but I felt it needed to be said. Please understand that nobody else has issues with mispellings, or grammatical errors - it appears to be only you who cannot decipher a simple mistake. Of course the thing about spelling will apply to [hopscotchnerd] as well - who I believe to be a rather pleasant individual under other circumstances - I have encountered them once or twice, I am sure.
On another note - I too am particular about grammar and spelling, but I am not making it a punishable offence to have 'issues' putting together the written word. ;)

2008-08-09 [Evolution X]: I like custard pies... and Okami...

2008-08-09 [Duke Devlin]: What's Okami, [Evolution X]? :)

2008-08-09 [Evolution X]: Okami is a video game, I recently got it on the Wii console. Think Legend of Zelda type game play but with more spiritual and caligraphy aspects than swords and armour...
Also, call me Evo.

2008-08-09 [Artsy]: 'Evo' is an abbreviation used by bulimics who keep a food diary and use enemas (which use the term 'evacuate'). <img:stuff/dand-gif.gif>

2008-08-09 [Evolution X]: ................................................... Im am not, and I shall hopefully never have to have an enema...

2008-08-09 [hopscotchnerd]: *guns you all down with a chain gun*hahahahahahahahahaha *suffocates from laughing sadistically so much*

2008-08-09 [Evolution X]: ... *pulls out a paint brush and pops little trees in front of me to protect me* HA!

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol erm where the hecck did all that come from?

2008-08-09 [Artsy]: *grabs Mrs. Lovett and pulls her behind my donut fort**proceeds to smear jelly/ war paint onto her face like mine* I don't know but you shouldn't go out in no man's land! you could get shot!

2008-08-09 [Evolution X]: COOKIE! *chases after lovett and blinks and liviing* Hey ^_^

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: .. OI! im Evo's grilfrind get your hands offa me. lol but a nice coice of jam.. *giggles and licks at my finger as i wipe some jam off, getting up and walking over to Evos side of the war.*

2008-08-09 [Artsy]: Gasp! Wait... I'm not against Evo. o.O

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol when who are you against? *looks up at you and raises an eye brow.*

2008-08-09 [Artsy]: o.O [hopscotchnerd], he's the one shooting the gun

2008-08-09 [Evolution X]: *starts to plat massive trees to block any bullets* Alrighty...

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol so whos side are you on?

2008-08-09 [Artsy]: Uh... Evo's side I guess. I mean, I was trying to use this walkie-talkie, calling him Roger and Huston but.. I don't know, maybe I need new batteries...

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: hehe. here *hands you a potato shaped like a duracell.* giggles softly and purrs.

2008-08-09 [Evolution X]: Im on my side... *paints a bomb on the other side*

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol i know you are hun. im no your side too.

2008-08-09 [Teufelsweib]: chosing sides, are you serious?XD reminds me of the days back in the playground :')

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol yeah deffinatly lol i loved those days. care to join us? we have cookies!

2008-08-09 [Artsy]: We attack the sandbox at naptime! Ok.. AFTER naptime!

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol deffinatly. though evo do you agree?

2008-08-09 [Evolution X]: After nap time, we need the energy... and the cookies.

2008-08-09 [Teufelsweib]: whoot! ok, who's winning?

2008-08-09 [Evolution X]: we are... we have the cookies

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: erm i dunno seen as we havnt got hit but the opposition has already started choking and shooting. hehe so theyre loosing already im guessing weve wone.*

2008-08-09 [Teufelsweib]: ok, in that case I join your side!:P

...can I have a cookie now?

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: yesh you can *smiles and hands you a cookie and then stops* mnn actualy want chocolate chips or what?

2008-08-09 [Teufelsweib]: if there's chocolate in it, I'm a very happy person :P

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol okies, this one has chocolate chips, its frechly made so theyre still melty. *(giggles and hands you it*

2008-08-09 [Teufelsweib]: thaaaanks=D *devours* boy oh boy, chosing sides never has been this fun xD

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol i like to make teh cookies.

2008-08-09 [Evolution X]: *paits more trees on the floor* ^_^

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: *gigggles and smiles, painting a flower and giggles*

2008-08-09 [hopscotchnerd]: *sneaks up on evo's tree fort and scares him away from the cookies, then proceeds to block off any way of evo taking back his fort*

2008-08-09 [Artsy]: gasp! the scoundrel! *continues watching while eating animal crackers*

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: *pokes Aidanmnky in the eye with teh paint brush as im still in da tree fort and meeps, savign the cookies and paints a cage around Aidan.*

2008-08-09 [hopscotchnerd]: aggggg!!!!! my eye!!!!!!*offers [Teufelsweib] a gift basket with cookie dough and cookies and coocie dough ice cream and even a cookie pan(gasp)* join my side and you can have this free gift basket(we have cool caps too)

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: *throws a rotten egg in the gift basket and spoils the lot of it and grins. * you cant buy people with food. only loyalty.

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: *kicking aidan out and sticks my tongu eout as i let evo back in and close up the fort.*

2008-08-09 [hopscotchnerd]: *grins as the trees wilt because i gave them too much fertilizer and now they are dying*hahahahahaha *proceeds to make a new gift basket for [Teufelsweib], and puts it into a cooler for safe keeping till he gets back

2008-08-09 [hopscotchnerd]: *then guns down you all so that you have to duck, and then makes a quick advance on the fort of doughnuts, ducking behind trees all the way*

2008-08-09 [Evolution X]: *gently takes back the brush* Thank you *kisses cookie's cheek, paints some new trees and then a large bomb in Aidanmnky's new basket*

2008-08-09 [Artsy]: *has erected a fence of slightly outfacing sharpened pencils around her donut fort*

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: *smiles and whisptels, a groop of pet werewolves run through the forest looking for you and hunting you down, they dont die when hit with normal bullets and giggles* pahahahahaha *drawing up a cross bow and a long bow and sets up, waitign for you to turn up*

2008-08-09 [hopscotchnerd]: *drops garlic around a tree and then climes up, then smears garlic over the rounds in the chain gun* hahaha

*removes bomb from gift basket and then hides it* you sabatoging jerks

through rotten eggs at your forts so they smell funny*

2008-08-09 [hopscotchnerd]: *proceeds to hop from tree to tree, un-noticed, and waits perched in a tree over [Mrs Vicious.], waiting for her to fall asleep*

2008-08-09 [Evolution X]: *draws a circle round Aidan, turning his basket of rotten eggs into a dozen very angry live chickens who promply attack him, doing the same with the eggs splattered on the trees to clean them of garlic and eggs*

2008-08-09 [hopscotchnerd]: what part of un-noticed did you not understand????

and there were no eggs in my basket, i made a new one remember

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol garlik does shit all to a werewolf. lol btw. the fact you wrote yourself up a tree meens yoru there and he ccould smell you. *puts a notise of evos were wold nose.*

2008-08-09 [Evolution X]: I was posting for the post before your last post...

2008-08-09 [Artsy]: The WSCFBS

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: whuts that for?

2008-08-09 [Artsy]: The way you people are going on, it seemed like your sort of group....

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol cool. i might join. hehe

2008-08-09 [hopscotchnerd]: you know what?!?!?!?!? *runs away really fast and hides in a hole behind a rock*

2008-08-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol we won! hehe.

2008-08-10 [hopscotchnerd]: *gets hungry and comes out and apologists for shooting at al of you* sorry, i got kinda carried away, there was nothing to do, so i found something fun

2008-08-10 [Evolution X]: Its ok *tosses a cookie at aidan*

2008-08-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol its cool, fancie a do-nut? (cant spell it)

2008-08-10 [Maelthra]: Wow, I seem to have missed a lot while at Ozzfest! How is everyone?

2008-08-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: ... er ve ish goot!

2008-08-10 [hopscotchnerd]: *dodges cookie and then gets scared by [Maelthra] and runs and hides in the dough-nut fort*

2008-08-10 [Artsy]: GET OUT! MY DONUT FORT! *kicks aidan flying over the donut wall*

2008-08-10 [hopscotchnerd]: *morphs into a flying squrril and floats back and lands purcher on [Artsy]'s head* please, its warm in here

2008-08-10 [Maelthra]: Scared?

2008-08-10 [Artsy]: *mutters unhappily*

2008-08-10 [hopscotchnerd]: *scurries around in circles in a corner and then lays down*

2008-08-10 [Evolution X]: *is in my own corner, baking in an oven that looks like something you forge iron in*

2008-08-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: .. dont burn the cookies.

2008-08-10 [hopscotchnerd]: falls asleep and turns into a were-flying squirrel

2008-08-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: ...a were-flying-squirrel... nice. lol its more complicated than evo..

2008-08-10 [hopscotchnerd]: hell yes it is... wait im supposed to be asleep

2008-08-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol yeah possibly, then again you could sleep talk.

2008-08-10 [Ravenclaw]: if anyone notices, I changed mine.

2008-08-10 [Mrs Vicious.]: i know, it sounds cool, my mothers friend has polysystic overies. hehe. she has to get her chest and chin and face lazer treeted so the hair doesnt grow back.

2008-08-10 [Ravenclaw]: My sister and I have it. It's not a picnic when you pick up a half marbel half oak coffee table and shatter it against a wall. However the rage can be fun.

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